I am in Santa Fe, New Mexico now. It is the third time to come here.
I am not attending a class this time. I am having SourcePoint meeting and retreat with Donna and Bob.
We start every morning with meditation and awareness session. Bob and I exchange session to further deepen a connection to the blueprint and treat each other. In the afternoon, we discuss and share things regarding SourcePoint: including the way to approach to the primary blockages, the future direction of SourcePoint, how to build a community, supplemental classes that might be helpful to people who studied SourcePoint already, etc.
I am coming here with my family, and we are staying next to their studio. Because Bob and Donna also stay in the studio, we can spend time together from morning till evening like a family. When they come to Japan, we need to spend time talking about on-going classes and daily needs, we usually feel we do not have enough time to attend other important subjects. It is really nice to have this kind of opportunity to share and discuss many things. I simply appreciate spending time together with them. Time has passed so quickly that I wish we had more time.
I am writing this blog because I woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning because of jet lag, and I am reflecting how SourcePoint and Santa Fe have been big turning points in my life.
It was Module 3 in February 2009 that I came to Santa Fe for the first time. At that time, I just went back to Japan after spending ten years in States. I had some difficulties adjusting back to Japanese culture. I had no idea how to build my business and I was full of anxiety about my future. I feel the process of Module Three helped me to adjust to the new circumstance, and I also feel that Module Three showed me a direction to follow. I learned from that class that I had plenty of things that I did not know or could not understand in this life; however, it was great that I had experiential understanding that the body is not just the physical body.
The second time I visited Santa Fe was April 2012 when Advanced Intensive was offered for the first time. Even now, I remember that I got an email regarding this class while going back from a workshop I just finished. I had a few drinks in my system and I was on the way back home riding Shinkansen (bullet train). As soon as I checked this email, I let Donna know that I was coming without checking much detail. It was an instinctual move. After a while, I rechecked my schedule and realized it was actually pretty tight. In that year of February, I had a translation job in Oregon for a class with Dr. Jealous, an Osteopathic doctor who developed a curriculum for biodynamics in cranial osteopathy (now it is called traditional osteopathic studies). In March, I translated a class for Dr. Ed Maupin, a Rolfer who had learned Rolfing from Dr. Rolf and I had been translating every year since 2009. Then, in April, I came to Advanced Intensive of SourcePoint. I did not realize then, but when I reflect back now, that year was a big year for me to transform. At that time during the class, I asked Donna and Bob to come and teach SourcePoint classes in Japan. The process of learning and deepening SourcePoint, Rolfing, and Biodynamics still continue now.
Five years have passed since then, I came back as an instructor this time. I do not know if this process is slow or fast, but what I can say with confident is that my skill, knowledge, and experience are matured much more than the last time. Teaching and translating classes together with Donna and Bob in Japan has been supportive in my development. Teaching classes by myself in Japanese and trying to root and build community of SourcePoint in Japan also help me to grow. I really feel fortunate to have great mentors to show me a direction and help me develop personally and spiritually.

Additional notes. I am writing here after I return to Japan. Changes and shifts are more apparent to me when I return to the same environment as before, home. When I was meditating this morning and having sessions at TEN, I had stronger, clearer, and deeper sense of connection. I am looking forward to the future!!