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SourcePoint Therapy®︎ Teacher Meeting

執筆者の写真: Hiroki Sato, MS, ATC, CRHiroki Sato, MS, ATC, CR



I was in Santa Fe for SourcePoint Therapy®︎ teacher meeting.



It has been two years since the last time I visited Santa Fe. We went there with one son the last time, but this time we have one more boy and four of us traveled together. As Santa Fe located in the high altitude, the air was thin, the Sky and the Sun were close. Geometric designs of the Native American welcomed us at the Albuquerque airport and I had felt like we were back home once again.

Photo taken by older son


This time, we had seven instructors/soon to be instructors coming from all over the world. Four Rolfers from America, Germany, Brazil and Japan, and Yoga Therapist/Ayurvedic, Feldenkrais, and BodyTalk practitioners came together for the first time.


Everyday started with the morning meditation, then we discussed with the group such as future direction of the SourcePoint, sharing of teaching module/classes, how to build a community, etc. In the afternoon, we exchanged sessions to deepen and strengthen the connection to the Blueprint. We also had daily Awareness sessions to further explored the contents. Five days were very intense and deep with a lot of joy, sharing, growth, and transformation.


From Donna and Bob, I had heard about other people in the world teaching SourcePoint classes and there were more people in training to become a teacher. However, it was really nice to finally meet all of them to connect dots and made a line to each of them. Such a good group of people and there were felt sense of "safety" and "trust".


Two wonderful practitioners managing "the Farm" in upstate New York. I feel that place would become the center of SourcePoint community. I cannot wait to visit in the near future.


I also had a sense of what is going on with the relationship between SourcePoint therapy®︎ and Rolfing®︎ in each countries. Also, it was nice to share

experiences of other instructors who had been teaching classes. I hope some of things I shared would be helpful to them as well.


During exchange sessions, I experienced something I had not had experienced before. It was nice to receive sessions from people already know what they were doing. Although we only use SourcePoint during sessions, every practitioner's approach was slightly different (at least what I felt) and it was interesting to experience each difference. As a practitioner, I also observed necessary things for the system of each person happened as I tuned into the blueprint, hence I needed to do something different to each person. I feel the same thing during my private practice, however, it was more apparent and easy to feel clearly what each person's system wanted me to do.


We spent most of lunch times together as well, therefore, we had a lot of shared time in those five days. It was very nice to know each of them and spend time together. I deeply feel this meeting is one of the turning points for us and for the SourcePoint. In Japan, I will take an initiative to share this work not only through classes and sessions, but also some other ways! Thank you Donna and Bob to share this work and make this meeting possible!




今年も誕生日を迎えました! 毎年誕生日にはブログを書き続けているので、今年も一年の振り返り。 今年は、今まで以上にアッという間に過ぎて行きました。 子供達の世話がある分、自分の思う時間、やりたい時に仕事ができないということに対する柔軟性が養われてきたと思います。はじめは色々...





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